The Benefits of a Treadmill
There is no doubt: running and walking are excellent physical exercises that can burn a lot of calories and fat. When training on a treadmill, it is not uncommon to consume more calories per unit of time than other activities.
The focus of running and walking is the legs, hips and calves. So, what is the right approach to make it more substantial and solve the retention problem? Reduce the speed and increase the incline of the treadmill to increase the working time on the belt (supporting the feet), thereby increasing muscle contraction and blood circulation.
Increasing the slope allows you to train cardiorespiratory function and muscle endurance at the same time. In order to perform progressive exercises without being overly fatigued, it is recommended that the slope be up to 4% during running and up to 5% to 8% during walking. We also recommend alternating slope and plain facies every 3-4 minutes.
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