4 Ab Workouts You Can Do at Home in Just 5 Minutes
How to do each workout: See the exercises and circuits below. Repeat each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest between moves, for a 5-minute circuit. You can add one circuit to the end of your run as a finisher or use it as a part of your cross-training workouts.X-Body Mountain ClimberStart in a high plank position with arms straight, wrists over shoulders, body forming a straight line from your head to ankles. Engage your core and draw left knee as far as you can toward right elbow. Bring left foot back to starting position. Then draw right knee as far as you can toward left elbow. Continue alternating between legs as fast as possibleSquat ThrustStand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your side. Send hips back as you lower your body into a deep squat with hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward so that you land in a high plank position. Quickly bring your legs back to squat position and stand back up to starting position. RepeatPlank MarchStart in high plank position, with arms straight, wrists over shoulders, body forming a straight line from your head to your ankles. Bend right elbow to lower right forearm to the floor. Lower left forearm to the floor. Extend the right arm, then the left arm back to starting position. Continue to repeat, alternating which arm you start with each time.
Windshield Wiper
Lie faceup on the mat with arms straight out from your sides so body forms a “T”and legs straight up toward ceiling. Keep your abs braced and lower your legs to the right as far as you can without lifting your shoulders off the floor. Swing legs to the left and lower as far as possible without lifting shoulders. Continue alternating from side to side.
Crab Kick
Sit on the floor with your feet on the ground, hands under your shoulders, and press through hands to lift hips a few inches off the floor. Raise your right hand and left foot, bringing them to touch as fast as you can. Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating between legs
4 Core Circuits to Try
Power: This circuit targets your fast-twitch muscle fibers to help power your final kick or your ascent up a gnarly hill. Strength: Use this circuit to build stamina and endurance in your muscles. Stability: Stability circuits are your friend if you want to maintain great form that will support you all run long. Balance: Improve your balance on each side of your body, from legs, to abs, to arms. This will translate into more a athletic, balanced running form.
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