Working Out Like a Madman Might Actually Be Bad For Your Heart in The Long Run

AT THIS POINT, you know working out is important. So does your neighbor, your gym buddy—hell, even your dog. Getting your blood pumping every once in a while keeps your heart healthy and wards off other chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer. But even though the Centers for Disease Control recommends about 150 minutes of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of intense exercise) per week, we all know that workout warrior who pushes himself way too far. And while he may have a ripped six-pack, some new research suggests he might actually be doing damage to his health by working out so hard and so often. Here’s why: Working out three times more than the recommended average (that’s seven and a half hours a week) may actually lead to a buildup of plaque in your arteries. That plaque buildup could then lead to heart problems over the long term, according to new researchfrom the University of Illinois at Chicago. Read ...