Does Running on a Treadmill Help You Lose Belly Fat?
Running and Belly Fat Belly fat responds particularly well to running and other aerobic exercise . In fact, professor Kerry Stewart of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine claims that cardio may help reduce visceral fat even more than diet or other types of exercise, and that runners can expect to see a decrease in waist size with regular sessions. You’ll get similar results with rowing, cycling and swimming. Losing More Belly Fat Although running is a powerful tool for fighting belly fat, you’ll get the best results with healthy eating and lifestyle choices. In 2010, researchers at Tufts University found that people who ate three or more servings of whole grains — and no more than one serving of refined grains — per day had 10 percent less visceral fat than those who ate multiple servings of refined grains. Whole options include whole-wheat bread and brown rice, while white bread and white rice are refined. High-stress levels and poor sleep habits may also increa...